S. H. Chen Apps

CPC Near Me
S. H. Chen
CPC (Chinese Petroleum Corporation) is themajor petroleum enterprise in Taiwan. Due to the users may have thepreferences to reach their gasoline station, this program demo thestations nearby on map. In addition, a route is thus planed if youwant to get the drive direction. Last but not least, Google Map V3API is used.
舊版之V2.2.5 找附近的"直營"中油加油站 2.2.5
S. H. Chen
雖然最新版的App變的更好用了,例如提供更多資訊與可在地圖上拖曳檢視各地加油站,但因為LGP500或其他手機目前無法支援,所以先暫時將舊版放在此,供大家下載,等解決問題後會再通知。PS: 感謝包子即將協助我找出問題。
台灣必玩景點 1.9.2
S. H. Chen
您我多年生活在被葡萄牙人曾稱為「Formosa」的台灣,但您可曾認真體驗她那美麗的自然風光,山水之間任遨遊,繁華的台北、充滿老街歷史的台南以及風景明媚的高雄,每一個城市都讓人留下深刻的印象與感動!台灣必玩景點蒐集688個著名景點,準備好渡假的心情, 讓我們盡情倘佯在這宛如人間仙境的樂園吧!You my many years ofliving in the Portuguese had called Taiwan "Formosa", but you canhave serious experience her beautiful natural scenery, landscapeany travel between downtown Taipei, Tainan, as well as landscapefull of Street history bright Kaohsiung, every city people toimpressed and moving!Taiwan will play attractions collect 688 famous attractions, readyfor the holiday mood, we enjoy a whirlwind tour of the park it likea fairyland!
廁所走著瞧 (Taiwan) 1.7
S. H. Chen
台灣伴手禮 1.9
S. H. Chen
外出遊玩通常都會習慣買一下伴手禮回去送親朋好友,那有沒有遇過出外卻不知道當地特有的名產,摸不著頭緒該去如何選購,不過有了全新開發APP全台伴手禮程式就不用擔心,出外買伴手禮既省時又不用絞盡腦汁的想,到底買什麼好。全新開發APP全台伴手禮程式集結了全台灣各區域有名的特產,想買什麼就拿起手機一點,伴手禮就在你左右。Outing usually accustomedto to buy souvenirs go back and send friends and family, that thereis no case to go out but do not know the famous endemic touchedclue where to how to buy, but with the new development APP TaiwanSouvenir The program would not have to worry about, go out to buydo not have brains associated with the laying on of hands is bothtime and want to, in the end what to buy. New development APPTaiwan assembled in Taiwan area famous specialty souvenir program,want to buy what you pick up the phone a little souvenirs on aroundyou.
Car Finder and location notes 2.9.1
S. H. Chen
This App records your position of your car.Once you need to locate the position, just open this App and itwill point out where it is if you applied this App to record theposition. In addition, once you also apply the Google Navigation(See About), it navigates you by using the turn-by-turn method. Asa result, you don't have to worry about you forget where is yourparking location and how to reach there!11 Languages are supported in this App!| English (en) | 日本語 (ja) | 한국어 (ko) | italiano (it) | français(fr) | Español (es) | 中文(繁體) (zh-TW) | Deutsch (de) | português(pt) | русский (ru) |
Taiwan Art & Cultural Events 1.8
S. H. Chen
This app provides the latest cultureinformation in Taiwan. When you travel in Taiwan, it is quite handyfor you because the culture activities are ordered by the distance.The activities could be set into your Google Calendar easily and tobe share through social network. So you could enjoy your life byjoining these culture events. The major categories include:1. Performing Arts2. Exhibition Square3. Live Music4. Lecture5. Film Scope6. City Kaleidoscope7. Family Outings8. Beyond TaipeiHope you enjoy the life and the culture events in Taiwan.
來去農會 2.8
S. H. Chen
農會間業務連繫除了公文書函往來之外,還需要彼此間人員交流互動。因此各級農會員工之間必須實地交流,有鑑於業務承辦人異動頻繁,導致新接業務時對於農會地理位置無法立即熟悉,往往需要同仁加以概訴或隨手劃圖指示,還不盡詳細,到達時仍需到處詢問一番,才得以順利到達。  另由於農會接受勞保局及中央健康保險局委託辦理農民健康保險、全民健康保險及各項津貼給付申請。礙於農民年齡老化,辦理各項相關保險業務時,設限交通不便或親屬不熟悉農會所在正確地點(因保險應於本會辦理),為順應時代潮流,利用資訊網路之便利,開發應用軟體正確標示全省各級農會詳細地理位置經緯度,提供洽公之所需。Business ties inadditionto the public instruments letter exchanges between theFarmers'Association, also need staff to interact with each other.Farmers'employees at all levels must be field exchange in view ofthefrequent changes of business Undertaker, received newbusinesslocation for the Farmers' Association can not immediatelyfamiliar,often require colleagues to none v. readily draw thediagramindicates, is not quite in detail reach the neededeverywhereasking about it, and was able to smooth arrival.In addition, because the farmers will accept the Bureau ofLaborInsurance and National Health Insurance Bureau entrustedfarmers'health insurance, universal health insurance benefits andvariousallowances apply. Because of farmers aging and handle therelevantinsurance business, handicapping traffic inconvenience orrelativesare not familiar with the Farmers' Association where therightplace (because of insurance should be handled in the Council),tokeep up with the trend of the times, the use ofinformationnetworks to facilitate the development The applicationsoftware iscorrectly labeled the detailed location latitude andlongitude ofthe farmers' associations at all levels in theprovince, finishingtheir business required.
Super Taste in Taiwan 3.3
S. H. Chen
※This App is on the hot pay App onAndroidMarket now!If you want to travel in Taiwan, this App is the best choiceforyou to find the optimal local food in Taiwan!This App collects more than 4,000 locations mentioned onthreemajor Taiwanese famous TV programs, including "Super Taste,""weshould play in this way," and "to stay one night at a goodplace."The content includes the name of the restaurant, address,phonenumber, and what is the food provided by them. Most importantofall, when you have the Good Navigation software orotherturn-by-turn guidance software (such as Papago, NavigationKing,and etc), they guide you to there immediately. Please don'twait todownload this gorgeous App!The interface of this App supports 15 languages,includingTraditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English,Japanese, Korean,French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch,Malaysian, Indonesian,Thai, and Vietnamese. You are welcomed todownload this App andstart to enjoy the food in Taiwan now.
兒童醫院 (Taiwan) 2.6
S. H. Chen
GPS的應用非常廣泛,本程式(ChildHospital)就是結合GPS所開發出的軟體。本開發團隊將台灣的兒童醫院資訊放進GPS地圖中,只要你點地圖中的兒童醫院圖示,就能開啟導航功能,帶領你前往最近的兒童醫院。本程式能幫助身為父母的你。在孩子需要醫療服務時,啟動本程式就能帶你去最近的兒童醫院,接受到最快的醫療服務。專業的兒童醫院才能給孩子們最即時、正確的醫療服務。親愛的朋友,如果你想要有這麼方便的服務的話,只要用手指輕輕一碰下載後,就馬上給你最快速的資訊。為了你和你的孩子,不要遲疑了,趕快下載!The GPS is widelyused,the program (Child Hospital) is a combination of softwaredevelopedby GPS. The development team Children's Hospital ofTaiwan'sinformation into the GPS map, as long as you point to thethe mapicon Children's Hospital, will be able to open thenavigationfunction, and lead you to the nearest Children'sHospital.    This program can help you asparents.Children in need of medical services, the start of thisprogramwill be able to take you to the Children's Hospitalrecentlyreceived the fastest medical services. Children's Hospitalto givethe children the most immediate and proper medicalservices.    Dear friends, If you want to have suchaconvenient service, with your fingers gently touchdownloadimmediately give you the fastest information. For you andyourchild, do not hesitate, quickly download!
雲林國中小 1.4
S. H. Chen
雲林縣國中、國小(含分校)共有200間,分布於20個鄉鎮中,有鑑於學校教師介聘分發、至各校洽公,以及教師參加各項研習頻繁,承辦學校不同,在前往該地點時,對地理位置無法立即熟悉時感困擾,往往需要同仁加以概述或隨手畫圖指示,還不盡詳細,到達時仍需到處詢問一番,才得以順利到達。  為順應時代潮流,利用資訊網路之便利,開發應用軟體正確標示雲林縣國中小詳細地理位置經緯度、電話及學校發展特色或願景,提供使用者所需。親愛的朋友,如果你想要有這麼方便的服務的話,只要用手指輕輕一碰下載後,就馬上給你最快速的資訊。不要遲疑了,趕快下載吧!Yunlin CountyJuniorElementary School (including Campus) 200, distributed in 20towns,in view of the school teachers employ work distribution, toschoolsbusiness trip, as well as teachers to participate in thestudyfrequently contractor different schools in Go the site,thelocation can not be immediately familiar sense of distress,oftenrequire colleagues Overview or readily drawing instructions,is notquite detailed, need to arrive around asking about it, wasable tosuccessfully reach the.In order to adapt to the times, the use of information networkstofacilitate the development and application of softwarecorrectlylabeled the detailed location latitude and longitude ofthe YunlinCounty elementary and junior high, feature phone andSchoolDevelopment or vision, to provide users with therequired.    Dear friends, If you want to have suchaconvenient service, with your fingers gently touchdownloadimmediately give you the fastest information. Do nothesitate todownload it quickly!
台灣美食餐廳 2.2
S. H. Chen
想要吃在地的美食料理,可是卻不知如何找起嗎?到了一個陌生的地方,卻不知道哪裡有美食餐廳嗎?現在我們幫你找了全台各地的美食餐廳,為你詳細整理出在地美食餐廳的地址、電話,還有餐廳的特色招牌,可以依照你的需求,找到你想要的餐廳。You want to eat ingourmetcuisine, but they do not know how to start looking it? Intoastrange place, but do not know where gourmet restaurant?Now we help you find all over Taiwan's gourmet restaurant, foryouto sort out in detail in the gourmet restaurant address, phone,aswell as the restaurant's specialties signsAccording to your needs, you want to find a restaurant.
美樂蒂 1.5
S. H. Chen
美樂蒂起源於幼兒美語師資培育機構,提供幼稚園及托兒所美語教學所需師資,自1987年成立以來,一直秉持「優質教學與服務」的教育宗旨,盡心為7-13歲兒童提供優質的美語教學服務。對於未來,美樂蒂美語有著莫大的期許與使命感,致力研發讓孩子帶的走的知識理念,大幅提升孩子的語文能力,進而提升國家的競爭力,圓二十一世紀全新美語觀的理想,貫徹『一人學美語,全家都歡喜。』的理念,進而開創企業新里程碑。MELODY的理念More我們給予的永遠比客戶期望的多更多Easy打造輕鬆快樂的美語學習情境Love愛是教育的基礎,我們在師訓中落實傳承Open開放的心胸,讓我們不斷的創新與成長Do:勇於承諾以後就是持續行動力的開始Young青春熱情的心,揚起華人美語世界的新希望Melody一個孩子們的共同語言,一個令全球華人引以為傲的美語品牌Melody originated intheearly childhood American English teacher traininginstitutions,Kindergartens and Nurseries American English teachingrequiredteachers uphold the "quality teaching and educationalpurposes,since its inception in 1987, has been dedicated to 7-13year-oldchildren to provide high-quality American teachingservice.    For the future, merlot demeter languagehasgreat expectations and a sense of mission, is committed toresearchand development let children walk belt of knowledgeconceptsignificantly enhance the child's language ability, andthusenhance the country's competitiveness, round twenty-firstcenturynew U.S. language concept of the ideal implement the "onelearnAmerican English, the whole family happy. "Philosophy, andthuscreate a new milestone.MELODY philosophyMore and more of we always give customer expectations moreEasy to create a more relaxed and happy American EnglishlearningcontextsLove Love is the basis of education, and teacher trainingtoimplement inheritanceOpen open their hearts and let our continuous innovation andgrowthDo: courage commitment is sustained after the beginning oftheaction forceYoung youthful enthusiasm heart, raised new hope of theChineseAmerican worldMelody children a common language, a way to make the Chinesepeoplearound the world are proud of the American brand
台北美食 1.9.2
S. H. Chen
此APP網羅了台北所有好吃的美食,並且有GoogleGPS詳列出餐廳的地址及電話,小巷弄裡的也不放過。讓您身在台北如置身美食天堂,出門不須煩惱今天該吃什麼,多種各式各樣的美食餐廳任君挑選。This APP gathers allthedelicious cuisine in Taipei, and Google the GPS detailslistedaddress and telephone number of the restaurant, not sparingthesmall alleys. You are a gourmet's paradise, go out do not needtoworry about what to eat today in Taipei, such as exposure toavariety of all kinds of gourmet restaurants to choose from.
超人氣小吃 2.3
S. H. Chen
台灣小吃不但與民眾的生活息息相關,更能呈現出台灣一般市民的生活與文化,因此,若想認識台灣本土特色,藉由走訪各地夜市、品嚐美味小吃,是最迅速的方法。嚴選全台最受歡迎的人氣小吃店或攤位,完完整整詳細的介紹店家,資訊最新,導引超正確,無論查詢或參考價值,均即時又實用。簡明易懂,使用超方便,小吃皆附有地址、電話、營業時間、消費價格與招牌小吃的詳細介紹。全省北中南地區都包括,不只大台北地區的小吃店,新竹、苗栗、台中、彰化、雲林、嘉義、台南、高雄、屏東、花蓮、台東,從北到南,由西向東,甚至連澎湖、金門、馬祖,也都一一涵蓋,範圍相當廣泛。內容兼具實用性、知識性,與趣味性,而且免付費,實在是現代人不可或缺的手機必備程式。Taiwanese snacks isnotonly closely related to people's lives better showing the lifeandculture of the general public in Taiwan, therefore, if you wanttoknow the characteristics of Taiwanese by visits around thenightmarket, enjoy a tasty snack, is the most rapid method.Carefullyselected the most popular popular snack bar or booth,complete afull account detailed introduction to the stores, thelatestinformation, guided ultra-right, regardless of the queryorreference value, both immediate and practical. Straightforward,theuse of ultra-convenient snacks are accompanied by theaddress,telephone number, hours of operation, the consumer pricesignssnacks details. The province's northern, central andsouthernregions, more than the greater Taipei area snack bar,Hsinchu,Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan,Kaohsiung,Pingtung, Hualien, Taitung, from north to south, fromwest to east,and even even Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, are all covered awide range.Content is both practical and informative, andinteresting, andtoll-free, is an integral part of the modern mobilephone essentialprogram.